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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

postheadericon Young Adult Gives Judy Blume the Hangover Treatment

Since the first image of Charlize Theron in a Hello Kitty shirt didn't give us much to go off of, The Hollywood Reporter now has the first 'Young Adult' poster for us all to enjoy.

From what we know so far, 'Young Adult' is about a teen lit author named Mavis Gary (Theron) who returns home to win back her high school sweetheart (Patrick Wilson) who's now married with kids. When things don't go as planned, Gary finds herself reconnecting with a old classmate (Patton Oswalt) who's still reveling in his high school days.

On top of its all-star cast, 'Young Adult' is also the first reunion for director Jason Reitman and screenwriter Diablo Cody since the Oscar-winning 'Juno.' Needless to say, we're excited, so click through to check out the debut poster and get on the bandwagon.


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