In the long-overdue newest title in the Planet of the Apes franchise (based on the 1963 French novel “La Planète des singes” by Pierre Boulle) that includes five movies in the original series and one reboot starring Mark Wahlberg, “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”, will tell the origin of the intelligent apes which begin the movement to replace humanity as the dominant species on Earth. Conceived as a reboot also a prequel to the earlier movies, but will also be a new story that should not change the original continuity too much, fans are undoubtedly hopeful that the film directed by Rupert Wyatt (the man responsible for the generally well-received prison break thriller “The Escapist”) will erase all memories of Tim Burton’s abysmal remake in 2001. Unlike the previous films which used impressive make-up effects, all the apes in this $90 million project were computer-animated and were created by WETA Digital using motion-capture technology from "Avatar". But, showcasing the cutting edge visual effects work by WETA, the marketing team really seems to be basing the promotion around the FX. Movie trailer even going so far as to make a direct connection to the groundbreaking James Cameron’s film, although it just looks a lot more like Peter Jackson’s “King Kong” if you ask me. As surprisingly enough as the movie is not being shot in 3-D, this second reboot/prequel is obviously much less commercial than Burton’s effort yet it still has a chance to be a significantly higher quality film from a franchise we vaguely recall from our dad’s youth. The idea of an all-out war between man and mentally-enhanced apes lends itself to many possibilities, including (with any luck) scenes of extreme chaos as the apes run wild.